Young James
BBC1 Series 3 x 1 hour Dir: Michael Keillor Prod: Willy Wands Exec Producer: Cameron Roach Shed TV Shot in Glasgow, UK
BBC1 Series 3 x 1 hour Dir: Michael Keillor Prod: Willy Wands Exec Producer: Cameron Roach Shed TV Shot in Glasgow, UK
BBC 1 Drama 3 x 1 hour Director : Michael Keillor Producers: Cameron Roach & Willy Wands The university days of the vet, James Herriot, set in 1933 Glasgow, Scotland. All shot in Glasgow, Scotland on location
We built the exterior of the 'College Street' as a back lot - Its not often the Producer supports to build a back lot on a TV budget. His idea made sense!
College Common Room
College Interior - Lab
College Interior - Lab
College Common RoomCollege Interior - Disection Room